Montag, 28. April 2008

Facebook continues to suck

People wonder why Facebook is getting nasty PR while last year everyone was singing its praises.

Here’s why.

Rodrigo Sepulveda Schulz is a CEO of in Europe. Not a spammer. Not an idiot. Not someone abusing Facebook.

Yet he still got kicked off.

Until this stuff stops I won’t use Facebook and won’t write nice things about it.

They say that Facebook is a “utility.” But since when does a utility just kick you off with no recourse?

Mark Zuckerberg: you need to fix this and now.

Rodrigo isn’t the only one, by the way. Every few days I get another email from someone who got kicked off and the thread about me getting kicked off has 500 comments now.

I guess Facebook really is just for college kids to poke themselves on. Oh well.

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